Telematic Electronic Logging Devices
Telematic Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) With GPS Capabilities to Protect Your CSA Score
In addition to our premier stand-alone ELD, VDO RoadLog™, we include telematics, which add the capability of integrating GPS to further assist your fleet in conforming to FMCSA rules.
What are Telematics?
This state-of-the-art technology uses telecommunication devices for sending, receiving, and storing data that affects control of your vehicles. Telematics service providers (TSPs) use Wi-Fi, cellular, or satellite connections to communicate this information.
There’s a world of useful data that telematics devices can communicate to help you keep your finger on the pulse of your fleet operations:
• Improve driver productivity—Location tracking, identifying unplanned stops, maintaining an on-vehicle library, and simply facilitating driver communications with email and fax.
• Support fleet operations—Tracking vehicle productivity by remotely monitoring and diagnosing vehicle faults (tire pressure and temperature monitoring, etc.).
• Manage daily operations—Collect and monitor routing and operations info (odometer readings, fuel levels, and load locations, etc.). Integrate maintenance data, paperless vehicle inspections, and driver logs.
• Improve safety programs—Detect poor driving habits and critical events, and oversee anti-theft systems.
• Improve your bottom line—Telematics afford the capability to report and analyze fuel economy, wasted fuel from idling, optimized routes for optimal fuel efficiency, and fuel usage for IFTA compliancy.
Studies show that telematics reduce the cost of owning heavy-duty trucks by up to 10%, because the number of breakdowns, downtime, and repair expenses are significantly decreased.
Compliancy is one of the most significant benefits of using telematic systems. Telematics streamlines your ability to report fuel tax, adhere to the CSA 2010 Safety Accountability Program, and collect electronic driver logs.
With the ELD rule becoming the law of the land, AECS is at the forefront of providing the telematics devices that keep you on the road while saving money and protecting your CSA score.
Which Telematics Devices Does AECS Offer?

Peoplenet Display.4 Kit
We’ve teamed up with Pana-Pacific to offer the Peoplenet Display.4 Kit, a fleet mobility system that provides in-cab GPS navigation and automatically calculates hours of service for e-driver logs. Receive automated fuel tax information—Peoplenet tracks routes, records purchases, logs miles, and has unlimited capabilities for adding applications (such as tire pressure and speed monitoring).
Peoplenet is the ultimate web-based fleet management tool to increase profitability. Keep tabs on crucial performance data and keep your fleet running smoothly and efficiently.
Omnitracs ELD Compliance Solutions
With over 25 years providing solutions for fleets and drivers, Omnitracs presents the first telematics solution for the trucking industry. And now AECS is providing their telematics platforms.
The Omnitracs Enterprise Services (ES) platform includes driver-friendly, GPS features for logging, dispatch, turn-by-turn directions, and much more. Hands-free functionality is included.

GeoTab Fleet Management Platform

GeoTab takes telematics to new horizons with their GeoTab GO7 vehicle tracking device. High-quality engine integration allows you to observe the running status and health of your fleet. Be aware of maintenance priorities. Even monitor seatbelt usage to identify both risky and safe driving habits.
The GO7 alerts you when an accident is detected, transmitting detailed data to enable you to reconstruct the event. It can even detect reverse collisions.
Integrate the GO7 with satellite tracking, hours of service (HOS), temperature tracking, driver ID, cameras, and more.
Rand McNally Telematics Products
The well-known purveyor of road maps and atlases now provides telematics devices for adhering to CSA requirements. And AECS is your one-stop-shop for their full line of devices.
For fleet management, their product range includes data optimizers—Their TND™ 765 Fleet Edition mobile in-cab solution clocks Hours of Service (HOS), enables efficient driver-fleet communication, and so much more.
Rand McNally’s truck navigation units—IntelliRoute® TND™ 530 LM and 730 LM—include their premier GPS systems for turn-by-turn navigation, advanced lane guidance, and toll costs. Their IntelliRoute® line can be customized to report accurate mileage for back office operation efficiency, helping you to realize better productivity at reduced costs. Rand McNally’s MileMaker® software integrates mileage and routes.

Ram Mounts for Mounting Mobile Telematics Devices
Complete your telematics system installation with a mounting solution with the best ergonomic fit from Ram Mounts. They carry a large selection of solutions that can mount to the dashboard, mount multiple devices, attach to handles, and attach to hard points of the seats.
How Do You Determine the Best GPS Devices to Fit Your Fleet?
Here at AECS, we offer products AND support. Our consultants help to guide you to the best telematics systems fit for your present needs and fleet size. Our goal is to save you money while assisting you in compliance with FMCSA rules for electronic logging devices. Call us at 559-472-7301 for a free consultation.