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Discover the Secret to Surviving Through PG&E Shutdowns

Shows a male hand holding a lit up lightbulb with words, survive PG&E Shutdowns with Diesel Generator Maintenance

Manufacturing, agriculture, telecom, government, and retail and restaurant wholesale and retail service providers depend upon consistent electricity to stay in business. Up until recently, it was easy to take power for granted. PG&E shutoffs changed all of that.

Unlike power outages caused by storms and downed lines, these shutoffs held the potential to last days on end. Never has it been more crucial for your generator to be at the ready at a moment’s notice to power up AND continue working through the long haul until PG&E decides to restore service. As The Guardian reported, “California’s record power shutoffs are set to become the new normal.” (Source:, October 19, 2019)

 How do some businesses appear immune to the devastating results of unexpected generator failure that bring machines, work in process, refrigeration, and heating to an abrupt halt? Their secret: regularly scheduled diesel generator maintenance.

Regular maintenance ensures that your emergency back-up generator will kick in. When performed by the AECS diesel generator experts, you’ll experience a fast rev-up within ten seconds of a power outage. Keeping your generator in tip-top condition prevents the effects of PG&E’s wrath. You’ll also prevent overhauls and major engine repairs that can cripple your bank account.

Our maintenance service comes to you—the AECS generator pros are mobilized to arrive at your place of business to perform all necessary work. Then, we go beyond simply servicing your diesel generator and ensure compliancy with the California Air Resources Emissions Board (CARB).

• We begin with an initial inspection to clue in on telltale issues during a test run. Our initial inspection checklist is exhaustive, designed to rule out any issues that predict future breakdowns or start-up issues. Of course, an oil change is included, but we don’t stop there—the complete fuel system is examined as we drain the fuel filter and water vapor to remove sediment. We’ll take a sample of fuel for thorough lab testing to determine water, oil, and even algae content. We also put the cooling system under scrutiny for the proper balance of antifreeze, water, and necessary additives, and we’ll confirm smooth operation by examining radiator performance.

• We recognize that 80% of generator failure is caused by battery failure, we pay particular attention to how well your generator holds voltage under a load and charges up. We’re not afraid to drop in a new battery when your present battery shows any evidence of under-performance.

• Here at AECS, we’re known for our mobile DPF cleaning services. As we clean your generator’s diesel filter, trust that the entire job—inspection, cleaning, repair, and replacement—can be handled on your premises, without the worry of being left to locate replacement parts from other companies on your own.

• Finally, we test the engine to handle specific loads as part of a generator set exercise, once we have completed the above maintenance. This is the proven way to ensure proper operation when you most need your generator (when PG&E shuts off the power).

Advanced Emissions back-up diesel generator maintenance service is the only service you need to prepare for power blackouts. Keep your company in full operation, and avoid expensive downtime, expensive repairs, and the loss of reputation. Get generator maintenance on your calendar today by contacting us at 559-240-6076.

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